
Inconsiderate Neighbor That Planted A Vineyard #887124

Asked October 04, 2024, 8:46 AM EDT

We have a vineyard next door. A month before harvest cannons go off all day and sometimes into the night. They shoot shotguns all day long. Twice now they we have had pellets hit our barn because they aim in our directions. Both times I was standing really close to the barn. They are inconsiderate, disrespectful of our privacy and life on our own property. The sheriff says it is okay for them to shoot towards our property because of the right to farm law. I guess the next time one of us will get shot and then maybe something will be done. They don't follow the standards to bird control guidelines in vineyards. They brag about how great their wine is on their website. We were here way before the vineyard was planted and it seems we have no rights to enjoy our life here.

Baker County Oregon

Expert Response

Bird cannons and shooting blanks are common in vineyards, but there are other techniques that can be used. This issue if often brought forward to the Oregon Winegrowers Association to address, as they help lead policy and regulation changes. Here are some steps you can consider to rectify the situation.

1. Please communicate with the vineyard owner and/or vineyard management company about this issue. 
2. Share with them information about other bird control methods that are outlined in the following OSU Extension publication:
3. If you cannot reach the vineyard owner, I suggest that you reach out to the Oregon Winegrowers Association with your concern by contacting Jama McKamey. Her contact details can be found here:
Patty Skinkis, PhD Replied October 04, 2024, 1:54 PM EDT

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