
Peach tree spraying #887136

Asked October 04, 2024, 10:47 AM EDT

When should I spray my peach tree to prevent leaf curl. This last year was terrible. I had to strip the who tree of peaches this year. I sprayed weekly for awhile. The tree’s looking great now.

Polk County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for reaching out.

Peach leaf curl is a fungal disease that overwinters as spores on the tree. It infects the leaves when they first emerge from the buds in the spring. 

You can protect these young leaves by making dormant season sprays to reduce the amount of overwintering spores. 

Apply a pesticide labeled for fruit trees that contains copper as the active ingredient. This should be done twice: First, during a dry spell when you see that about half the leaves have fallen off (late October). Then apply a second spray during a dry spell in late February before floral buds open. (Always read and follow the pesticide label for use and safety instructions.) 

Best of luck!

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