
Dethatching? #887161

Asked October 04, 2024, 2:06 PM EDT

Due to drought conditions this summer in the Dayton area, I now have considerable thatch build up throughout my lawn (less than 1/2 inch). What do you recommend?

Warren County Ohio

Expert Response

Hello Sam,

Less than a 1/2 inch of thatch is not generally considered a problem by turf grass experts, some suggest that even a full 1/2 inch is not problematic. Some amount of thatch can be a positive attribute for a lawn. Less than a half-inch layer of thatch creates a more cushioned surface for walking and playing. A build up greater than 1/2 inch can prevent moisture from reaching soil, and create an environment suitable for turf grass pests and diseases.

You do not mention how large the areas of thatch are, if you do decide to remove the thatch the area might determine what you use to remove it.  For most homeowners a manual thatch rake is all that is necessary, here's a link in case you've not seen one before how to use a manual thatch rake. If you have a very larger area you can rent a power rake. 

Also, while many of us in Southwest Ohio got drenched by the Hurricane Helene storm system we are not truly out of drought conditions just yet. There are other things you can do to maintain your turf under our current tough conditions, and in less harsh growing seasons. I've included links, and information below.

Maintaining Lawns During Drought. One of the simplest things you can do to encourage healthy turf grass is to follow best practices for mowing.  To quote one of our Ohio State experts:

"...Proper mowing practices are pivotal, regardless of fertilization, irrigation, or pesticide applications, for cultivating and maintaining a high-quality lawn. Properly mowed lawns have several advantages: 

• enhanced density leading to reduced weed populations 

• improved drought tolerance

• overall superior quality compared to their poorly maintained counterparts

Best practices for mowing include never removing more than 1/3 of the blade at one time. During a drought it's recommended that mowing be suspended unless the lawn can be kept sufficiently irrigated. Mowing Fact Sheet

Managing Thatch In Lawns

Happy Gardening!

Karolyn Replied October 04, 2024, 3:35 PM EDT
Thank you Karolyn for your detailed and informative response.  I will research your suggestions.  Take care.


On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 03:35:29 PM EDT, Ask Extension wrote:

The Question Asker Replied October 04, 2024, 4:25 PM EDT

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