
A sick cherry tree #893843

Asked March 07, 2025, 3:21 PM EST

The leaves of my 50 yr. old cherry tree are shot through with holes. As soon as it leafs out in the spring, it begins to shed it's leaves. It is infecting my other shrubs, Andromeda, Jasmine and even Stonecrop. It is about 40 ft. tall so spraying would be problematic. I am sending photos of the cherry leaves as well as the Stonecrop.

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Looks like you have a number of issues in the yard but not the same ones. The cherry has a disease called shothole. It is common here on the west side of the cascades. We see more of it in rainy springs than in dry ones. Here is some more information about it for you to read (although you might follow the link to peach):

The stone crop is more difficult to tell from the image you sent. Hard to tell if the tan patches are sunken or raised. If sunken, it could be due to a lot of different issues but not the shothole described above. If raised and if you are able to rub some of it off then it could be a powdery mildew ( Just too hard to tell from the image and your description. 
Jay W. Pscheidt, PhD, Professor Replied March 07, 2025, 5:14 PM EST

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